ai | |
attributes | Defines some standard names for ICharacter attributes. None of these must be used. But if you use them, the remote debugger can make use of known values to render more information into the view |
lua | |
LUAType | |
LUA | |
movement | |
GroupFlee | Flees from a particular group |
GroupSeek | Seeks a particular group |
LUASteering | |
LUASteeringFactory | |
SelectionFlee | Flees the current IFilter selection from the given ICharacter |
SelectionSeek | Seeks the current IFilter selection from the given ICharacter |
ISteering | Steering interface |
SelectionSteering | IFilter steering interface |
TargetFlee | Flees from a particular target |
TargetSeek | Seeks a particular target |
Wander | Moves forward in the direction the character is currently facing into |
WeightedData | Steering and weight as input for WeightedSteering |
WeightedSteering | This class allows you to weight several steering methods and get a blended MoveVector out of it |
AggroMgr | Manages the aggro values for one AI instance. There are several ways to degrade the aggro values |
CharacterIdPredicate | |
Entry | One entry for the AggroMgr |
AI | This is the type the library works with. It interacts with it's real world entity by the ICharacter interface |
TreeNodeFactoryContext | Context for ITreeNodeFactory |
SteerNodeFactoryContext | |
FilterFactoryContext | |
SteeringFactoryContext | |
ConditionFactoryContext | |
ITreeNodeFactory | This factory will create tree nodes. It uses the TreeNodeFactoryContext to collect all the needed data for this action |
ISteeringFactory | |
ISteerNodeFactory | |
IFilterFactory | |
IConditionFactory | |
AIRegistry | The place to register your TreeNode and ICondition factories at |
ConditionFactory | |
FilterFactory | |
SteeringFactory | |
SteerNodeFactory | |
TreeNodeFactory | |
IFactory | |
IFactoryRegistry | |
IParser | |
_DefaultAllocator | |
_MemObject | |
MoveVector | |
NonCopyable | |
ReadWriteLock | |
ScopedReadLock | |
ScopedWriteLock | |
ThreadPool | |
And | This condition will logically and all contained conditions |
ConditionParser | Transforms the string representation of a condition with all its sub conditions and parameters into a ICondition instance |
False | This condition just always evaluates to false |
Filter | The filter condition executes some selection filters (IFilter ) and evaluates to true if the resulting set of all filter executions is non-empty. Use AI::getFilteredEntities to access the result set and work with it in a TreeNode that is executed when this condition evaluated to true |
HasEnemies | This condition checks whether there are enemies |
ICondition | A condition can be placed on a TreeNode to decide which node is going to get executed. In general they are stateless. If they are not, it should explicitly get noted |
IsCloseToGroup | Checks whether the controlled AI is close to a particular group |
IsGroupLeader | Evaluates to true if you are the first member in a particular group |
IsInGroup | Checks whether the AI is in any or in a particular group |
LUACondition | |
LUAConditionFactory | |
Not | This condition will just swap the result of the contained condition |
Or | This condition will logically or all contained conditions |
True | This condition just always evaluates to true |
Complement | This filter performs a complement operation on already filtered entities with the results given by the child filters |
Difference | This filter performs a difference operation between several filter results. The result consists of elements that are in A and not in B, C, D, .. |
First | This filter will just preserve the first entry of other filters |
Intersection | This filter performs an intersection between several filter results |
Last | This filter will just preserve the last entry of other filters |
LUAFilter | |
LUAFilterFactory | |
Random | This filter will preserve only a few random entries |
SelectAll | This filter is a nop - it will just use the already filtered entities |
SelectEmpty | This filter just clears the selection |
SelectGroupLeader | This filter will pick the group leader of the specified group |
SelectGroupMembers | This filter will pick the entities from the groups the given AI instance is in |
SelectHighestAggro | This filter will pick the entity with the highest aggro value |
SelectZone | This filter will pick the entities from the zone of the given entity |
Union | This filter merges several other filter results |
GroupMgr | Maintains the groups a AI can be in |
IAIFactory | |
ICharacter | Class that should be extended by the AI controlled entity class |
LUAAIRegistry | Allows you to register lua TreeNodes, Conditions, Filters and ISteerings |
luaAI_AI | |
luaAI_ICharacter | |
AddNodeHandler | |
AIAddNodeMessage | Message for the remote debugging interface |
AIChangeMessage | Message for the remote debugging interface |
AICharacterDetailsMessage | Message for the remote debugging interface |
AICharacterStaticMessage | |
AIDeleteNodeMessage | Message for the remote debugging interface |
AINamesMessage | Message for the remote debugging interface |
AIPauseMessage | Message for the remote debugging interface |
AISelectMessage | Message for the remote debugging interface |
AIStateMessage | Message for the remote debugging interface |
AIStepMessage | Perform one step if the ai controlled entities are in paused mode |
AIStateAggroEntry | The aggro entry for the AIStateAggro |
AIStateAggro | The list of aggro entry for a character |
AIStateNodeStatic | |
AIStateNode | This is a representation of a behaviour tree node for the serialization |
AIStateWorld | This is a representation of a character state for the serialization |
AIUpdateNodeMessage | Message for the remote debugging interface |
ChangeHandler | |
DeleteNodeHandler | |
IProtocolHandler | Interface for the execution of assigned IProtocolMessage |
ProtocolHandler | |
NopHandler | |
ProtocolHandlerNopDeleter | Use this deleter for any handler that should not get freed by delete |
IProtocolMessage | A protocol message is used for the serialization of the ai states for remote debugging |
Client | |
INetworkListener | |
Network | |
PauseHandler | |
ProtocolHandlerRegistry | |
ProtocolMessageFactory | |
ResetHandler | |
SelectHandler | |
Server | The server can serialize the state of the AI and broadcast it to all connected clients |
Event | |
StepHandler | |
UpdateNodeHandler | |
Fail | A decorator node with only one child attached. The result of the attached child is only taken into account if it returned TreeNodeStatus::RUNNING - in every other case this decorator will return TreeNodeStatus::FAILED |
Idle | ITimedNode that is just idling until the given time is elapsed |
Invert | A node with only one child attached. The result of the attached child is inverted |
ITask | A node for your real actions in the behaviour tree |
ITimedNode | A timed node is a TreeNode that is executed until a given time (millis) is elapsed |
Limit | A decorator node which limits the execution of the attached child to a specified amount of runs |
ITreeLoader | This class must be extended to load behaviour trees. The contract here is that the parsing only happens once (of course) and then ITreeLoader::getTrees and ITreeLoader::load will just access the cached data |
LUATreeLoader | Implementation of ITreeLoader that gets its data from a lua script |
XMLTreeLoader | Implementation of ITreeLoader that gets its data from a xml file |
LUATreeNode | |
LUATreeNodeFactory | |
Parallel | Executes all the connected children in the order they were added (no matter what the TreeNodeStatus of the previous child was) |
PrioritySelector | This node tries to execute all the attached children until one succeeds. This composite only fails if all children failed, too |
ProbabilitySelector | This node executes one of the attached children randomly based on the given weights. The node is executed until it is no longer in the running state |
RandomSelector | This node executes all the attached children in random order. This composite only fails if all children failed, too. It doesn't continue a node in the state TreeNodeStatus::RUNNING . It will always pick a new random node in each tick |
Selector | Base class for all type of TreeNode selectors |
Sequence | The sequence continues to execute their children until one of the children returned a state that is not equal to finished. On the next iteration the execution is continued at the last running children or from the start again if no such children exists |
Steer | |
Factory | |
Succeed | A decorator node with only one child attached. The result of the attached child is only taken into account if it returned TreeNodeStatus::RUNNING - in every other case this decorator will return TreeNodeStatus::FINISHED |
TreeNode | The base class for all behaviour tree actions |
TreeNodeParser | Transforms the string representation of a TreeNode with all its parameters into a TreeNode instance |